A comic strip by Jennifer Barrett.
Updated casually.
Monday, March 26, 2007
It's getting hot out here
I used a brushpen to ink this one, which I liked, but was probably a poor choice for the text. This could have been a good way to end this comic, if I wanted to, since the b'ys are totally screwed. I always keep a deck of cards in the car, you never know when disaster may strike.
I haven't seen them around here, but the ones I have are from Montreal and Japan. The one I did this with is really nice, it's on currys.com - the Pentel Pocket Brush Pen. $19, but it comes with 4 refills.
Heheh. I really like the brushy look here. Where can you get brush pens, btw?
Thanks a lot Dave.
I haven't seen them around here, but the ones I have are from Montreal and Japan. The one I did this with is really nice, it's on currys.com - the Pentel Pocket Brush Pen. $19, but it comes with 4 refills.
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